United Kingdom·21 April 2023

New Moon Breathwork & Cacao Ceremony 7-9pm

Personal Growth



This is going to be an extra special event as we have a breathwork master joining us! New Moon Rituals have been a sacred part of humanity for thousands of years. It is a time when the masculine (yang) energy of the Sun aligns with the feminine (yin) energy of the Moon for a time of pause, focus, and powerful intention setting for the next 28 days of magical manifestation. The Moon and Sun are perfectly aligned at this time, making it so that we cannot see the Moon. The night sky is our blank canvass. The opportunity to create is abundant. The gravitational force of Earth's two most sacred celestial bodies work together to pull our desires toward us, as we work with the energy of the Universe. Come with us on this breathwork and sacred plant journey to experience a unique experience just outside Whitby. Working with the new moon energy, Cacao (the great heart opener) and the power of our natural breath- we will go on a meditative journey you will not forget. We use a secret alternate locations deep in nature. We will take a short moderate walk to the site. We will be served cacao. We will be guided on a breathwork journey and work ourselves up into a higher state of consciousness. Setting intentions is a powerful way to release your desires to the universe. The cycle of the moon is a powerful tool for intentional living. When the moon is new it is the perfect time to plant seeds for the future. This is the time to plan your actions for the coming period. This is also a time to journey into the darkness and explore what may need to be processed. You will leave this experience feeling like you are ready for the next part of your path. You will feel energized and grounded. You will have a deeper understanding of yourself, cacao, meditation, and breathwork and how it can help you in your life. On signing up we will send you location and full details.


Personal Growth

Personal Growth

Consciously embracing the new moon’s fresh energy can allow you to propel new projects, habits and initiate life changes.

Inner and outer healing

Inner and outer healing

The darkness of the new moon is a perfect opportunity for working on the shadow self. Understanding the shadow self and bringing it to light can free you from behaviours and pattens which might be holding you back.


To help you in your wellbeing journey we have a team to offer assistance and knowledge while you’re here.



Louise is a conscious connected breath facilitator, but she also touches on pranayama and meditation to ease us into this deep practice. She is here to hold a space for you to explore that in all capacities.Through this session we will leave pieces of baggage behind and fill the cup to the brim. This is an emotion evoking practice and we sometimes release this emotion in anyway we feel is right. All emotion is welcome and you shall be held and guided through that.



Danny has been facilitating, hosting and leading breathwork and cacao ceremonies for the last few years. He will lead you gently and safely into a place of healing and rejuvenation. 



Sam has been studying ancient breathwork techniques for sometime and more recently has been guiding breathwork sessions for customers in the sauna. He also plays various instruments such as the handpans, guitar, flute and sitar... which are all perfect accompaniment to the breath hold.

Sam's gentle style will have you feeling relaxed and calm and his music will take you into another realm. 


Have a look at the schedule below!




Park then Brief walk

We swap up locations each month. You will be sent location details on signing up.  We walk to the ceremony site. The walk is of moderate demand.  Please bring head torch or torch if dark. The walk is of about 10 minutes.


Cleansing (smudging) ceremony

We open the sacred space with a cleansing or smudging ceremony. A smudging ceremony is the ritual of burning plant resins and herbs while intentions and prayers are called forth. Many cultures have used the power of smoke to cleanse and say prayers.  Native American and Indigenous cultures have practiced smudging rituals to clear away negative energy, to invite in peace and harmony for individuals or environments.


Cacao Meditation

You are served cacao with love honour respect and intention. You are then guided on a Cacao invocation meditation.  Under the moon energy we manifest our perfect life and highest path.



You are then guided on a breathwork session. We will start gently and incrementally take you on a breath journey,  working synergistically with the Cacao medicine and the energy of the moon. The body cells are filled with the healing air and we heal.   



We then come back into our bodies nice and gently and enjoy sustenance (veggie soup) around the fire.  You will leave this experienced energized and grounded. You will have a great understanding of yourself, cacao, meditation, and breathwork and how it can help you in your life.

What's Included

What's Included

100% raw cacao

guided breathwork

veggie soup

Yoga Mats

Beautiful locations deep in nature

A sacred ceremonial space

Each month we rotate the location of each ceremony. This is to protect the land and keep the energy flowing. It also adds a little excitement!

Beautiful locations deep in nature

Trip Tips

Wrap up warm!

Wrap up warm!

You will be quite still during breathwork, so cold can set in. So bring coats and blankets! MOre than you think you will need! It is much easier to remove layers because you are too warm than find layers if you are too cold.

Eat light beforehand

Eat light beforehand

It is good to keep food intake to a minimum before having your cacao and breath session. If you fast you will go deeper.

Bring a torch or head torch

Bring a torch or head torch

We will walk together. Sometimes it is dark by the time we finish and especially in the winter. So please bring a torch or similar .



Bring a backpack to put all your gear in so that your hands are free!

Yoga matt, blanket or cushion

Yoga matt, blanket or cushion

We are immersed in nature on the sand, the moors, in the woods...it is naturally comfortable but it can get twiggy or stoney!! So bring a mat/blanket/cushion to sit or lie on.


We actually go a step beyond fair trade, and develop direct trade relationships with family farms and collectives in Peru.

We consider it “ceremonial grade” if it comes from a family farm, it’s roasted over an actual wood fire, and it’s grown and produced with the intention for it to be a soul medicine to the world.

Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercises or techniques. People often perform them to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. During breathwork you intentionally change your breathing pattern.

There are many forms of breathwork therapy that involve breathing in a conscious and systematic way. Many people find breathwork promotes deep relaxation or leaves them feeling energized. Breathwork can also induce visions, help you tap into innate wisdom and unravel issues. 

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Breathwork: the art of conscious breathing


Open your heart with a cacao ceremony

New Moon Breathwork & Cacao Ceremony 7-9pm

United Kingdom· 21 April 2023· 2 hours