United Kingdom·24 June 2023

South Gare Saturday Evening Meditation and breath work on the beach

Discover the Power of Inner Healing: Cultivate Inner Calm and Wellness with Meditation and Breathwork



Are you looking to improve your overall well-being and achieve a more balanced state of mind, body, and spirit? If so, we invite you to join us for an incredible experience of inner healing. Our program is designed to help you tap into the power of meditation and breathwork, which have been scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure, fatigue, and even pain. Through these practices, you can improve your sleep, strengthen your immune system, and increase your willpower! We'll be gathering at a peaceful spot on the beach where you'll be guided through a gentle and calming breathwork session, followed by a guided meditation journey. By meditating with us, you'll discover practical methods to let go of negative feelings and instead cultivate positive, peaceful states of mind. These practices will help you become more confident in the face of life's challenges and enjoy your life to the fullest. Our program is suitable for all levels of experience, especially beginners. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your meditation practice, you're welcome to join us. By the end of the session, you'll leave feeling super chilled and grounded, with a renewed sense of inner peace and confidence. Join us for an experience that will transform your life and help you cultivate a positive and inspired mind.




We demystify meditation and breathwork so that you can bring the practice into your life.

Personal Growth

Personal Growth

We take you gently on a journey of self discovery, to places you may not have been before. We will always hold a safe space for your growth.

Inner and Outer Healing

Inner and Outer Healing

We seek to give you the tools to develop the foundations to navigate life with grace.


Helping you on your well being journey and guiding you through the experience we have....



Experienced in meditation and healing breathwork, Daniel will guide you through the process. Daniel's skill is in simplifying what can be a mystifying practice. He will share what he knows about how to bring breathwork and meditation into your life.  



Sam has studied ancient breathwork techniques for and is a popular choice  guiding breathwork sessions for customers of Whitby Wellbeing. He also plays various instruments such as the handpans, guitar, flute and sitar... which are all perfect accompaniment to the breath hold.

Sam's gentle style will have you feeling relaxed and calm and his music will take you into another realm. 


Have a look at our schedule below!




Simple breath patterns

Join us for a relaxing and healing Breathwork Meditation session on Whitby beach. We start by warming up with some simple breath patterns.  These  simple breath patterns can be brought into your life to help you manage stress and anxiety and even to sleep better.



Once we are warmed up we will move into a more focussed breathwork session , where we will do several sets of specific breathwork protocols depending on the energy of the day. 



We will come into into quiet gentle meditation before coming back into our bodies and location gently. 

South Gare

A beautiful corner of the world

South Gare is an area of Redcar beach located by breakwater on the southern side of the mouth of the river Tees. We are located on the beach above the high tide line or in the dunes if it is windy.

South Gare

Trip Tips

Wrap Up Warm!

Wrap Up Warm!

You will be quite still during breathwork, so cold can set in. So bring coats and blankets! More than you think you will need! It is better to be too warm than too cold!

Eat light beforehand or not at all

Eat light beforehand or not at all

It is good to keep food intake to a minimum before going on a breath journey.

Yoga matt, blanket or cushion

Yoga matt, blanket or cushion

Bring something to sit or lie on...or just lie in the sand.

Add Ons

Bag of Ceremonical Cacao 250g

Bag of Ceremonical Cacao 250g

Mamma Cacao the great heart opener


Cup of cacao approx 30gram dose

Cup of cacao approx 30gram dose

Cacao is helpful for breathwork as she provides energy.


Bag of Ceremonial Cacao 500g

Bag of Ceremonial Cacao 500g

Our cacao is ceremonial grade and imported from Peru and Ecuador. Pick it up at your session!



Breathwork Meditation is different from traditional meditation. It's an active breathing meditation which helps you get into a mystical state using different balances f oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body, as well as activating various mi chemical reactions.  

Yes! Breathwork meditation is suitable for everyone!  

There are an infinite number of breathwork protocols. The Wim Hof method is probably the most popular and is based on ancient yogic breathing practices. If the Wim Hof method is called for we can practice this method however we will explore a wide variety of breathwork patterns. 

Related Blog Posts

Some of our writing on the subject:


Getting the most out of your meditation and breathwork experience


Breathwork: the art of conscious breathing

South Gare Saturday Evening Meditation and breath work on the beach

United Kingdom· 24 June 2023· 1 hour